What happened to Dylan on Sunday Night?
5:50 ish - Dylan lands in Durango, Colorado - Mark Redwine said "We" picked him up at the airport. Who is "we"? (LE has confirmed this)
6:30 ish "We" went to Walmart. (LE has confirmed this) In early statements he said that they rented movies and later statements he said the purchased movies.
7:30 ish Mark reported that they went to McDonald's (not sure this has been confirmed)
He then states that they drove home. In early statements he said they watched a couple of movies, threw the football around and then went to bed early because they were tired. (Do your math here warriors)
He later states that they went home, Dylan went upstairs and brought the DVD player down, hooked it up and then they watched a movie (which he had difficulty recalling) before going to be early.